Posturas, Honorable Mention – 36th Cleveland International Film Festival de Estados Unidos


Nuestro cortometraje «Posturas» ha obtenido una Mención de Honor en el 36º Cleveland International Film Festival.


Este festival es preseleccionador de los Oscar para los ganadores de mejor corto de ficción y mejor corto de animación, por lo que haber recibido una Mención en un festival tan importante es todo un lujo.

En esta edición se presentaron más de 1.450 cortometrajes habiendo sido seleccionados solamente 158 trabajos.

Desde aquí quiero dar las gracias a todas las personas que formaron parte del equipo y a todos aquellos que ayudaron para que se hiciese posible.

Otra de las curiosidades de este festival es que si querías te mandaban una reseña con la opinión de los miembros del jurado. Obviamente les escribí confirmando mi interés en saber su opinión. Aquí la tenéis:

1. This was very cute film with an original concept!! The acting was adorable, they were well directed. The lighting was appropriate and the music was whimsical. The camera work was great and the subtitles were very readable.

2.A very cute, little, short film about, sex, love and old age, told in a very tasteful charming way. The older woman’s character was very endearing. The older man, reacts how one would expect, yet he is also a character that is warm and funny. The story is set up very well and moves along at a good pace for the concept. The images are technically well composed and edited. The acting is realistic and convincing considering this is a short, silly sex comedy. I think a lot of audiences will enjoy this short story. Not too much I would suggest to change in this film other than perhaps shortening it in a few places. Overall, it works. Nice Job!

3.This funny & cute short film was very enjoyable. The actress who plays an elderly woman is wonderful, as is her husband. Their portrayals really make the film The story is charming, the script good & the cottage where they live the perfect frame for the story. The scene in the shop is great as the clerk displays only cursory interest and the wife is very demure.

Por si alguno no ha visto el corto o le apetece volver a verlo:


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